Many individuals have imperfections in their skin. When these imperfections are located on the face, they can become embarrassing and frustrating. There are many laser treatments available that can assist in correcting common issues like rosacea and acne scars. The eMatrix, V Beam, and laser genesis are three great options.
eMatrix Treatment
Numerous laser procedures exist that can improve the skin specifically located on the face. Sublative rejuvenation is a procedure that can be beneficial in improving the texture, color and tone of the skin, as well as scarring. This procedure uses radiofrequency energy that is directed to the skin. This is different from traditional skin resurfacing methods because it allows bipolar energy waves to travel to the dermis of the skin which increases and maximizes the production of collagen. This method leaves the surface of the skin undamaged. The collagen is activated by dermal heating that results in the growth and development of smooth and firm skin. These healthy skin cells can help minimize discoloration in the skin and correct mild wrinkles. This procedure can last 20-30 minutes, which is a shorter duration than many other treatment options. The skin will appear pink in color after the treatment and look similar to a sunburn. A small amount of discomfort is associated with the treatment. The skin will heal quickly and a minimum amount of down time is needed.
For optimal results, numerous treatments are often needed and these can be scheduled four to six weeks apart from each other.
Sublative Rejuvenation is a FDA approved procedure and has been proven to be safe and effective. The procedure can be utilized on patients with various skin types. It has been known to improve acne scars, pigmentation discoloration, under eye circles, texture irregularities, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, brown spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone, superficial skin lesions, and enlarged pores. This is a great option that produces fast results with minimal downtime.
V Beam Perfecta
Another laser option for patients that is quick and easy is the V-Beam Perfecta. This is a pulsed dye laser that removes skin discoloration caused by pigmentation or vascular abnormalities. This treatment can assist in fixing numerous skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, redness, scars, stretch marks, facial veins, broken capillaries, leg veins, spider veins, brown pigmentation, wrinkles, redness from the sun, bruising, and vascular birth marks.
The pulsed dye laser provides bursts of light to areas of the skin that are specifically being targeted. A cooling device located within the laser protects the skin and keeps it cool. This minimizes the discomfort that can be caused. The area being treated, as well as the type and location of the lesion, will influence how it is treated with the laser. Before the treatment begins, the skin will be cleaned. Numbing cream is optional and does not need to be used if the patient does not want it. The patient will need to wear protective eye wear during the procedure. The duration of the treatment depends on how large the surface area is that is being treated. The area can be treated numerous times and each treatment will be scheduled one month apart from each other. Improvements can be seen within the first few weeks of the treatment. The patient should protect the skin from the sun during the healing process.
Laser Genesis
Laser genesis treatment can also assist in improving the skin without surgical procedures. This laser treatment stimulates the collagen to enhance the natural volume of the skin. This can remove scar tissue and redness. Wrinkles may not be entirely eliminated with this technique, but may improve. By heating the upper dermal layer of the skin, the laser is able to assist in reducing the pore size and improve the overall texture of the skin.
This non-surgical procedure allows results to be observed after each treatment. There are no side effects to this procedure and bruising and skin irritation are not common. This laser treatment can also be performed without any numbing creams or anesthesia. This procedure is often utilized to treat rosacea which can be a hereditary condition that many people suffer from. The laser works well in treating this because it can diffuse the redness in the entire area. Typically in patients with rosacea, the blood vessels that cause the redness are not well defined. The laser genesis can be utilized on all areas of the face, neck, and other parts of the body to assist in treating this condition. Typically four to six treatments are recommended.
To learn more about your options in laser skin resurfacing, contact Miami’s most prominent experts in skincare and cosmetic dermatology, Drs. Diane Walder and Stacy Chimento, at 305-866-2177.